Be sure you're doing your due diligence. Plan sponsors have a fiduciary duty to hire and oversee the industry service providers for retirement plans, and your selection process should not be limited to cost.
If you've already received our eBook, "How to Select Retirement Plan Service Providers," then you already know what questions you should be asking. Now we want to make that easier for you.
Get our Retirement Plan Service Provider Selection Checklist package for templates breaking down the key quests for advisors, recordkeepers and third party administrators. Send along our PDF checklists to gather answers, or use them as a template to create your own.
We know the right questions to ask. Now we want to help you get the answers. Download the checklist package today.
© 2017 DWC - The 401(k) Expert P.O. Box 241267, St. Paul, MN 55124