DWC in FiduciaryNews: The Rise and Fall of Corporate Pension Plans

DWC in FiduciaryNews: The Rise and Fall of Corporate Pension Plans

"Much has been written lamenting the near extinction of the corporate pension plan," Chris Carosa writes in a book excerpt posted to FiduciaryNews.com. "Are reports shaded by rose-colored glasses? Pension and retirement experts familiar with the history of defined benefit plans have a rather different view."

One of the experts is DWC Partner Adam Pozek. 

For his part, Pozek shares thoughts on the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and its impact on pension plans. Was ERISA a boon or a bust? Or maybe something not so black and white?

Find out in the excerpt of "From Cradle to Retirement — The Child IRA," available here.

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