Nondiscrimination Testing

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The retirement plan landscape is ever evolving. We distill the details so you don’t have to!

We’ve corralled the best news from inside the beltway – not only regulations, but also new legislation from Congress as well as relevant guidance from the IRS and Department of Labor. In true DWC fashion, we don’t just repackage a recitation of the rules, we provide our thoughts and commentary about what those rules mean to you.

We know cash balance rules can be intimidating! Settle into the Cash Balance Corner and let us break it down for you.

Have 401(k) questions? We have 401(k) answers! We bring you answers to many of the common questions we receive.

A behind-the-scenes look not at how the sausage is made, but why we make it the way we do. (Hint: It’s all about the best interests of the client.)

We’re all about learning from other people’s (alleged) mistakes. We might not be attorneys, but we still follow benefits-related cases and summarize lessons and key take-aways. No hourly fee needed for these insights!

A deeper dive into retirement plan topics doesn’t have to be headache-inducing. Our Pension Primer articles provide depth of information without depth of jargon!


How to Allocate Profit Sharing Contributions

Many retirement plans are designed to include a feature that allows the plan sponsor to make a profit sharing contribution each year. Since IRS rules allow the contribution to be discretionary ...
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Don't make these Compensation Errors in Your Retirement Plan

According to the IRS, using incorrect compensation amounts to calculate retirement plan benefits and conduct annual compliance testing is one of the most common errors they see. How can such a ...
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Designing Your 401(k) Plan for Combined Testing

Thousands of 401(k) plans are designed each year to promote savings in the most cost-effective manner. Most are established as stand-alone plans and will remain that way for their entire existence. ...
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Nondiscriminatory Benefit Amounts - Treat Me Right

Outside the complex world of qualified plans, the term “nondiscrimination” can take on many different meanings based on many different points of view. Fortunately, in the qualified plan world, the ...
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Nondiscrimination Testing Creates Career Opportunites

Sponsoring a retirement plan can provide significant benefits to a company (and its participants). But with great benefits comes great responsibility…responsibility to follow all of the various ...
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Why Does My Year-End Census Require Ownership and Family Information?

Facts We’ve compiled our year end census information, and we are now turning out attention to the accompanying questionnaire. I’m being asked for additional information such as ownership percentages, ...
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Which Financial Details Do I Have to Include on my Year-End Census?

Facts Last week, you explained some the demographic data points that get reported on the annual census. Now, I’ve got some questions on the financial information I’ve been asked to provide to my TPA. ...
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Which Employees Do I Have to Report on my Year-End Census Report?

Facts As for so many companies, the end of one year and the start of the next are especially busy times. And, without fail, we’ve already received the request for our annual census data from our ...
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Overtime Is Up and Bonuses Are Down: Will This Year's Irregular Compensation Impact our Retirement Plan?

Facts We sponsor a 401(k) plan for our employees and provide a company matching contribution to those who defer. Our plan specifies that in calculating that match, we only consider employee base pay ...
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DWC's Thanksgiving Dinner Prep Playlist

Facts All year long we've been leaving little rock 'n' roll Easter eggs in our Cash Balance Corner feed. ICYMI: Each post title incorporates one of our favorite songs. And for our 20th century rock ...
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How Do Furloughed Employees Impact Our Plan at Year-End?

Facts Like many businesses, we had to furlough some employees earlier this year in response to the coronavirus shutdowns. We’ve been fortunate enough to bring back a few of these employees, but a ...
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How Can We Add More Flexibility to our Standard Profit Sharing Contributions?

Facts We have made profit sharing contributions each year, and we plan to continue to do so every year that our financial situation allows. Historically, we have contributed the same percentage of ...
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Your Definition of Compensation Isn't in the ERISA Dictionary? We've Got a Fix for That.

Getting creative with the plan’s definition of compensation can be an effective way to target benefits, budget your benefit dollars, and maintain consistent benefit levels from year to year. However, ...
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Can We Offer Additional Matching Contributions Without Losing our Safe Harbor Status?

Facts We currently sponsor a 401(k) plan for our company. While we certainly want to be able to provide meaningful benefits to the owners, our goal is to encourage all our employees to save more for ...
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Can We Offer Higher Profit Sharing Contributions to Employees Based on Performance?

Facts We’ve had a 401(k) plan for years, but we are now looking at ways to make it a more strategic part of our overall compensation package. In one of your previous Questions of the Week, you ...
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401(k) vs 403(b): Which Is the Best Choice for My Non-Profit?

Facts As the director of a not-for-profit organization, I’m looking at retirement plan options for our employees. The fiscal year ends June 30th and I’d love to implement something to benefit our ...
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Do We Have to Consider Pay Before a Participant is Eligible When Calculating Matching Contributions?

Facts Each year, after our last payroll in December, I submit my census information to the TPA for our 401(k) plan. Even though I’ve looked at each participant’s total deferrals for the year to ...
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Should We Include Government-Mandated Coronavirus PTO When Calculating Company Contributions?

Facts We have several employees who have had to take time off from work either because of a loss of childcare or to care for affected family members due to the coronavirus. As a result of recent ...
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How Do We Stop Our Discretionary Matching Contribution?

Facts My company sponsors a 401(k) plan that provides for a discretionary matching contribution, which we deposit each pay period along with employee deferrals. Given the economic uncertainty, I’m ...
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Am I Now Required to Include Part-Time Employees in my 401(k) Plan?

Facts As the owner of a beachside hotel, I sponsor a calendar year 401(k) plan for my employees. In the summer we hire many part-time employees to assist with the uptick in guests and activities. Our ...
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How Can We Improve ADP/ACP Test Results Without Offering Safe Harbor?

Facts My architectural firm sponsors a 401(k) plan. We have 38 architects and 2 administrative assistants. We currently provide a matching contribution to participants and, some years, a profit ...
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We Failed the ADP Test! What Did We Do Wrong and How Do We Fix It?

Facts Our TPA just sent us our annual compliance report, and it says we failed testing! This is the first year we’ve failed anything, and now we’re being told that we need to take money out of the ...
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What Is the Deadline to Correct a Failed ADP/ACP Test?

Facts Every couple of years, our 401(k) plan fails the ADP/ACP test by a small margin. Since we don’t always fail the test, gathering our year-end census information to send to our TPA sometimes ...
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Do 401(k) Testing Requirement Apply to Owner-Only Plans?

Facts I and my three business partners each own 25% of our company. We do not have any employees other than the four of us. We would like to set up a retirement plan, but we know there are ...
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