Mergers and Acquisitions

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How To Handle Mergers and Acquisitions the Right Way

Congratulations! You’re buying (or selling) a company! Call your lawyer; call your accountant; call your…third party administrator? With all the hullabaloo surrounding this kind of transaction, the ...
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Corporate Structure and M&A

Retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b) and defined benefit plans are employer-sponsored arrangements in that employers sponsor them for the benefit of their employees. That means it is important to ...
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What Do You Do with the SIMPLE IRA Sponsored by the Company You Just Acquired?

Facts My company recently acquired another firm. As we work to combine all of our operations, we’ve discovered a few differences in our employee benefits, specifically our retirement plans. While ...
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Can Employees from a Former Subsidiary Take a Distribution from our 401k Plan?

Facts Our company has several wholly-owned subsidiaries, and each of them has signed onto our 401(k) plan as participating employers. We sold 100% of the stock of one of those subsidiaries – Glen’s ...
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Here's What Happens to Your 401(k) After a Company Merger or Acquisition

Corporate mergers and acquisitions can be stressful. When employees hear that their company is part of such a deal, they instinctively worry about their jobs. Even with reassurances that there's no ...
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Can I Keep My Retirement Plan After I Sell My Business?

Facts I recently sold my business, and all of my employees went to work for the buyer. My goal is to continue working for a period of time, but I do not expect to hire any more employees.
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How Do We Report a Plan Merger on Form 5500?

Facts Our company sponsors two separate 401(k) plans, each of which covers a different group of our employees. Due to some internal changes, we now want to merge those plans so that we only have a ...
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