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The retirement plan landscape is ever evolving. We distill the details so you don’t have to!

We’ve corralled the best news from inside the beltway – not only regulations, but also new legislation from Congress as well as relevant guidance from the IRS and Department of Labor. In true DWC fashion, we don’t just repackage a recitation of the rules, we provide our thoughts and commentary about what those rules mean to you.

We know cash balance rules can be intimidating! Settle into the Cash Balance Corner and let us break it down for you.

Have 401(k) questions? We have 401(k) answers! We bring you answers to many of the common questions we receive.

A behind-the-scenes look not at how the sausage is made, but why we make it the way we do. (Hint: It’s all about the best interests of the client.)

We’re all about learning from other people’s (alleged) mistakes. We might not be attorneys, but we still follow benefits-related cases and summarize lessons and key take-aways. No hourly fee needed for these insights!

A deeper dive into retirement plan topics doesn’t have to be headache-inducing. Our Pension Primer articles provide depth of information without depth of jargon!

Adam C. Pozek |

Catch-Up Contributions: If It Ain’t Broke, Break It!

Adam C. Pozek | 02/02/23 Yeah, we know that’s not how the saying goes, but it appears Congress doesn’t.
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Adam C. Pozek |

Roth, Roth and More Roth – as Far as the Eye Can See

Congress seems to be in a continual love fest with two retirement concepts – automatic enrollment and Roth contributions – and SECURE 2.0 (S2) continues the trend for both. I guess it’s not ...
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The Mega Backdoor Roth…Here We Go Again

Every year, the financial press seems to write about the so-called Backdoor Roth and Mega Backdoor Roth strategies in 401(k) plans, and this year is no exception. (Maybe the Super Duper Mega Backdoor ...
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Can I Convert a Coronavirus-Related Distribution to a Roth IRA?

Facts We added Coronavirus-Related Distributions (CRDs) to our 401(k) plan in 2020, and a number of our participants availed themselves of the new feature. I know they have the option to pay any ...
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Are There Plan Design Options We Should Consider as Part of the Mandatory Cycle 3 Plan Document Restatement?

Facts We’ve been following your recent posts about how making even small changes to certain plan provisions can make managing the plan easier without sacrificing our objectives. Making life easier, ...
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Is It Possible to Convert a Pre-Tax 401(k) Account to a Roth Account?

Facts We recently had one of the participants in our 401(k) plan ask if it is possible to convert her balance from pre-tax to Roth. She has been a participant in our plan for many years and has both ...
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After-Tax vs. Roth Contributions: What's the Difference?

Facts Our company has a 401(k) plan that provides a matching contribution equal to 100% of the first 4% that each employee contributes. We set it up that way to ensure that our highly compensated ...
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What Are The Different Types of 401(k) Contributions And How Do They Work?

Facts Our business is considering setting up a 401(k) plan for our employees. We know that it can include both employee contributions and company contributions, but we keep hearing about all sorts of ...
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DWC in Kiplinger: Leveraging a Backdoor Roth IRA

If Roth IRAs offer a legitimate long-term savings strategy by allowing people to generate tax-free income, why do less than a third of IRA investors have such an account? The short answer is income ...
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