Eligible Automatic Contribution Arrangement (EACA)

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Adam C. Pozek |

Automatic (Enrollment) for the People - Losing Your Discretion

Ever since creating the ACA, EACA, and QACA as part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, Congress has acted like automatic enrollment is the greatest thing since sliced bread when it comes to ...
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What New Tax Credits are Available for Adding an Automatic Enrollment Feature to our Plan?

Facts Our business currently has a retirement plan and we are considering adding automatic enrollment. We have heard that there are new tax credits available to employers who include automatic ...
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What is the Simplest Way to Add Automatic Enrollment to our Plan?

Facts We are considering adding automatic enrollment to our 401(k) plan. We’ve read some of the other posts on your website about EACAs and QACAs, but that all seems like a lot of extra complexity ...
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Can Automatically Enrolled Participants Who Forgot to Opt Out Withdraw Their Deferrals?

Facts We are thinking of adding automatic enrollment to our 401(k) plan. One of our concerns, however, is that we might end up with a bunch of tiny account balances for participants who forget to opt ...
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What is Automatic Enrollment and How Does it Work?

Facts Our company sponsors a 401(k) plan, but very few of our participants are contributing. We started the plan as an added benefit to help attract and retain employees, but we also truly want to ...
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