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Plan Corrections

Tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations govern retirement plans. That means sooner or later, every plan—no matter how well it is run—experiences an "oops." DWC's extensive experience with both the IRS and Department of Labor voluntary correction programs allows us to help you address just about any accident that might happen.

"Like many 401(k) plan sponsors that have had a plan for a long period of time, an administrative compliance issue arose. We sought DWC's assistance in arriving at a consensus on how to remedy it and minimize the disruption to any impacted employees. DWC provided us with a road map, performed the requisite fillings in a timely manner and within the fees they quoted, and it was favorably disposed. We were very pleased with their professionalism."

Getting Your Plan Back on Track When Accidents Happen

DWC has helped many clients through the plan correction process. That doesn't mean we fly blindly through it, it means we never make assumptions. We are expert in getting into the details and analyzing the facts to determine how to minimize the impact of a failure.

We also understand that the business and employee relations aspects of a correction can be just as important as the technical ones. This is why clients and even other TPA firms come to DWC for plan corrections.

What We Do

  • Analyze the facts and circumstances to determine the (insignificance) of an oversight
  • Determine the true nature of the mistake and identify the correction methodologies available
  • Help you understand options, explaining the pros, cons, ramifications and relative costs
  • Prepare all of the applications and supporting documentation where formal approval is warranted and shepherd everything through the approval process
  • Where formal approval is not sought, prepare a detailed report that documents the details of the correction

Get in Touch to Learn More About DWC's Plan Corrections Services

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